
6 Facts About Phoenix, Georgie’s Horse on Heartland

6 Facts About Phoenix, Georgie’s Horse on Heartland

Phoenix is Georgie’s main horse on Heartland. They are both introduced in Season 6 Episode 1 “Running Against the Wind” as runaways. The two stray souls end up finding comfort in each other and form a connection that will last a lifetime.

Phoenix and Georgie have become a powerful duo in the series. There’s nothing the two of them won’t sign up to, whether it’s show jumping, trick riding, or Western events. However, for the past few seasons they have been focusing on show jumping, more specifically the Olympics.

Phoenix on Heartland is mainly played by a grey Quarter Horse gelding called Jag. He and actress Alisha Newton who plays Georgie, have a unique relationship in real life.

Gender: Gelding
Hair color: Grey
Eye Color: Black
Real horse’s name: Jag

What Breed is Phoenix in Heartland?

There is a lot of mystery surrounding Phoenix’s origins on Heartland. In Season 6 Episode 2 “Crossed Signals”, we find out that he escaped from a nearby old barn and that his real name is Sky’s The Limit.

There is no information regarding what breed Phoenix is in Heartland. Given his abilities, appearance, and character, he is likely a warmblood, sports horse type.

Phoenix and Georgie Fleming Morris on Heartland

While Spartan is almost always portrayed by Quarter Horses, Phoenix has stunt doubles of various breeds. This depends on the type of activity he performs on the show.

When he’s standing around in the barn, Phoenix is portrayed by the Quarter Horse Jag. Whereas, different horse breeds do the jumping and trick riding scenes.

Is Phoenix Georgie’s Real Horse?

Despite their on-screen connection, Phoenix is not Georgie’s real horse. The horses playing Phoenix belong to head wrangler John Scott, just like the other main Heartland horses.

On the other hand, Alisha Newton owns two horses, Aflame and Diva. Both talented jumpers, Aflame is a pinto Dutch Warmblood gelding while Diva is a bay Oldenburg mare.

Interestingly, Newton and Jag’s relationship wasn’t the best to start with. “I like to maul the horses with love – so he got really annoyed with me,” the actress told Heels Down Magazine.

However, the two star’s relationship has gotten much better over the years. With Newton now an adult and Jag less grumpy, the two of them make a pretty good team. “We have an interesting bond now that we’ve been together for so long,” Newton revealed in Horse Canada.

Also, read our Alisha Newton guide to learn more about the actor who plays Georgie.

How Many Different Horses Played Phoenix in Heartland?

In the movie industry, equine actors always have multiple stunt doubles. This is because a single horse cannot have all the different skills needed to play a movie character. Some horses are better at standing around patiently during a scene, while others specialize in jumping or rearing.

At least 4 different horses have played Phoenix in Heartland. These include the Quarter Horse Jag, the jumping horses Conamore and Ghost, and a trained trick riding horse.

According to Alisha Newton, Jag does all the scenes inside the barn. He is the primary horse playing Phoenix and also does some of the Western riding scenes.

Alisha Newton and Phoenix from Heartland hugging

When it comes to jumping, you’re most likely to see Conamore or Ghost performing on the screen. Conamore appears in the earlier seasons of Heartland when Georgie first starts jumping, while Ghost takes over later on.

Here’s how Alisha Newton spoke about Conamore to Horse Canada: “I like him because he isn’t as calm or predictable as the other horses we have on the show. He’s actually a pretty spicy boy. It’s really refreshing to see such a firecracker on set.”

What Happens to Phoenix in Heartland?

As mentioned above, we first meet Phoenix in the first episode of Season 6. His owner Kendra comes to take him back in the next episode, however, the horse keeps escaping. Eventually, Phoenix settles into Heartland and becomes part of the family.

In Heartland, Phoenix forms a bond with Georgie, who also ran away from her previous home. With a flair for jumping, Phoenix will become a top showjumping prospect.

In Season 13, Georgie and Phoenix return from their training camp in Switzerland. However, upon arrival, they find out that Phoenix has been exposed to a contaminated feed bucket on the plane. As a result, he goes into quarantine at Heartland for 21 days.

When Phoenix starts to show signs of disease, Ty sends some blood to the lab for analysis. The results come back positive for a highly contagious virus, putting all of Heartland under quarantine.

Luckily, Phoenix makes a full recovery and is able to continue his journey towards the Olympics. After a successful show at the end of Season 14, it seems like Georgie’s dream is finally coming true.

See a compilation video of Phoenix and Georgie below:

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